It started as a dream two years ago…a vision for making a real difference in the lives of people inside and outside of the church by helping many find freedom in Christ and by making a real impact in the area of mental health. Watch this video for a reminder of how it all started, and what God has done so far and what the future holds.

Here’s the truth. For the One isn’t a sprint-like race. Not even close. For the One is a marathon. We can’t accomplish what God has called us to in the city of Reno without finishing well… At this midpoint of our journey, we are leaning in and asking God to finish what He started with us, and bring many along on the way. The result will be life-changing impact. Transformation that will point to Jesus and glorify God. It’s a Kingdom thing. A God-sized initiative. What God has done so far only points to Him and how he will move now will be exponential. We are trusting God and you-His people for that.
Our primary goal is 100% participation on this journey by everyone who calls Grace home because we don’t want anyone to miss out on this opportunity. It’s awesome to see how He uses all of us together!
Our team created this guide as an outline of the two-year challenge set before each of us. Please write your answers to these questions in this booklet so you can refer back to them through the coming years. Our hope is that this simple set of questions and scripture, along with your prayer times, will become a catalyst to help you deepen your relationship with God during this special season at Grace.
Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, we know God has more for you; and it’s possible that the most life-changing, influential, and personally engaging days of your life could still be ahead. It is our privilege to walk beside you as you continue to navigate your journey with Him.
This For the One midpoint season of our church will be like no other. We will reveal a very exciting partnership we will have with the University of Nevada to help increase services and access to mental health care right here in our city. This out of the box idea will also help future thought leaders in the field of mental health get the training they need to make great groundbreaking progress!
We look forward with great anticipation to what God will do in and through Grace we seek to make an even greater impact on our communities, our nation, and our world. During this season we will seek to live out uncompromising faith, hope, and unrelenting love as we continue to lead with generosity!
For the One,
Pastor Dan, Shane and Karen

We believe that God is still working in us to write the most impactful story of discipleship, surrender and growth. God is calling each of us individually to take our relationship with Him to new levels through God-honoring generosity. That means letting go of the things of this world and putting Christ first in everything we do.

General Budget $13 million
We will not compromise in our day-in, day-out ministry. This number represents our ministry operating budget for the next two years as we pursue God, build community, support missions around the world and continue to compassionately give to our city and beyond. Additionally, we will use a portion of this funding to plan for growth for the future as God leads. The first step is leadership development and resourcing for future growth throughout the region, likely neighborhood churches or campuses.
External Focus $7 million
The external focus of For the One continues to be mental health support, including helping people who struggle as well as supporting organizations that focus on tackling this ever present problem. God has called this church to this mission, to open more conversation about the reality of mental health issues, and provide solutions for hope and healing.